仙台・宮城観光キャンペーンにおけるロゴマーク「 むすび丸 」 の作成。宮城県からは長く人々に愛されるキャラクターとして使用できるものを要望された。
Create the logo for the Sendai and Miyagi tourism campaign. I was asked by Miyagi prefecture officials what could be used as a character to be loved by people for a long time.
The logo mark was developed after catchphrases were launched such as “delicious country, Date trip”, “Fuwari Yurari Kirari”, or “Agarain”. The illustration for “Musubimaru” combines the motifs of “Onigiri”, since Miyagi prefecture is basically a rice field, and that of warrior Date Masamune’s helmet, which is representative of Sendai, and was initially handwritten in a quite unsophisticated manner. Japan Railway station name plates in Miyagi prefecture and various goods have been developed based on the logo.